Posted for "George/Shirley Shattuck" <kloop@plantationcable.net>:
Addition to Don Skeele post.
It is interesting with regard to transfer rate. My transfer is at a rate of
.45 gal. per minute from each wing tank. I have tested this over many hours
of timing so I know it is right. I suppose all systems will vary depending
on tube diameter, curves, venting, lifting distance etc. I have a Facet
pump for each wing to the header tank. Out of habit I transfer one wing at
a time. I'll go 5 min. one side, then 6 min. the other side for 5 gallons
each 11 minutes. I had an unreliable header fuel gauge for a long time so
the slight imbalance gave me assurance that the fuel was, in fact, going to
the header tank, or somewhere. I have finally installed a clear
polyethelene line vertically on the panel to show fuel remaining in the
header. Additionally, I exposed the two clear lines from the wings for
about an inch or so below the panel so I can see the bubbles of transfer or
empty tank bubbles. I make it a habit to log the pump running times. It is
just another check, plus it keeps the brain (what is left of it) attentive,
alert, watching. I keep 7 to 10 gallons in the header.
George Shattuck