Lee, I've spent thousands on prop repair too, you're not alone! These birds do not fly like my old Bonanza...
Try this: I carry 18" on final, full flaps, 80 kts (-500 fpm), and when over the numbers, pull back to ~13", pull the nose up to achieve 70 kts, -100 fpm and hold THAT till I touch. Pull power, flip up flaps, try to maintain directonal control on icy runways, let the nose-up tendency (from flaps retracting) of the plane slow me, hit the brakes when the nose touches again. Works for me in all circumstances (wind, crosswind (maybe only 3/4 flaps)), short field. What could be simpler than this two-step approach? You'll learn to win touchdown contests later; I have!
I've got about 500 hours in this different animal (and at great expense, I might add) and this is what keeps me out of trouble.
Now that you spilled yours, I'm sure everyone will offer up solutions... hope this works for you.
Learned the hard way, Roger Dean 9777VL 360 small tail
----- Original Message -----
From: Metcalfe, Lee, AIR
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 6:25 PM
To: lml@lancaironline.net
Subject: [LML] Re: I need a prop for an L320!
Yes, the engine has been torn down. Also the airframe, gear and engine
mount are being inspected for damage.
I was hoping to avoid the embarrassment of having to tell what happened, but
I guess I owe it to my fellow LNC2 fliers.