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Hi Scott,

I understand and agree that we want the curved leading edges of our
control surfaces to be thicker, but how much would be too much?

At the hinge points, I have the following measurements from the top.

rudder    VS trailing edge    Diff
1.45"        1.24"            .21
2.07"        1.52"            .55
2.60"        2.16"            .44

I have not yet installed the hinges nor is the VS trailing edge in final
trim. I'm sure some cosmetic body work will be required.

With regard to the rudder hinge, it would appear that the pivot point
needs to be located ideally at the point of maximum rudder thickness in
order to achieve proper gaps. If this is the case, then the pivot points
end up aft of the rudder leading edge(buried in the rudder so to speak)
and the leading edge would need to be notched at each hinge point for
rudder removal.

Am I reading the tea leaves correctly?
