Posted for Mark Steitle <msteitle@mail.utexas.edu>:
Since I just went through this with the Bob Archer COM antenna in my ES tail I will explain what I did. I had the antenna bonded to inside of the left vertical tail with the coax attached and a BNC connector installed to the radio end of the RG-400 coax. I sent an email message to the local EAA members to see if anyone had a VSWR meter, or knew of anyone that did that would be willing to check my antenna. I got back a number of responses. I contacted a gentleman that was an old ham operator that had a meter and offered to test my antenna for me. I took my vertical/antenna over to his house and we ran through the range of frequencies and checked the ratios, which were all 1.5 or better. With that assurance, I was then confident that I could proceed with closing the vertical stabilizer. One note, the meter I used had the capability to test individual frequencies. If you can, I would recommend using this type over the one-size-fits-all meter.
Mark Steitle
ES 60%