Mailing List Message #1043
From: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Re: brake line hose
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 21:39:39 -0500
To: <>
          <<  Lancair Builders' Mail List  >>
Curtis Krouse wrote:
>Could you be more specific with your examples of where the nylon lines have

In checking out the SDRs I find one instance of a submitter reporting a
Nylaflow failure, posted 10/97.  If you've got all the back issues of the
LNN, check out LNN Page 390 for the full story.  

(Go to the SDR/SB page on my website, use your browser's "Find" function to
search for occurences of the word 'brake' and you'll find the reference.
The URL is

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