Mailing List Message #67647
From: Steven W. Boese <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Starter Issue after Rebuild...
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:14:43 +0000
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
I had a similar problem.  Elongating starter mount holes by a few thousands of an inch to allow increased center to center distance between the starter and ring gear resolved the issue.  It is not unusual for the starter gear to remain engaged with the ring gear if the engine doesn’t start.  Upon engine start, the engine driving the starter can force the starter gear back down the drive’s spiral.  This may not be the case with every starter drive design in existence.

Steve Boese 

On Jun 12, 2024, at 6:47 AM, Doug Lomheim <> wrote:

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I’m curious if any of you have ever experienced an issue with starter gear to flywheel teeth clearance, after rebuild / R&R of the PSRU????

I pulled my engine + redrive,  reworked the engine with new o-rings/gaskets, apex seals/springs; and reinstalled only to find my starter gear will not engage, and the gear hits the flywheel.  This was in a hole that I drilled to move the starter higher, but it worked okay prior to tear down from that location.  

I therefore just dropped the starter down to the hole that the PSRU came with (from Rusty :) ), and now the gears will mesh, but the gears are impinged (tight), so that they will not re-tract once power is removed, and it takes some effort with a small slot screw driver and hammer to tap the starter gear back into the housing.  

I don’t see how the flywheel ring gear could move at all to cause this issue, nor can I see how the PSRU can move at all to cause any impingement, so any thoughts / experiences you’ve seen would be appreciated!  


Photo shows original starter hole, and the one I added.  Top will now not work at all, while the bottom allows gear engagement, but sticks…

<Starter moved.jpeg>

Starter moved.jpeg
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