OK, so it's probably not the plugs. I've been searching the archive to find the recommended colder plugs. There's talk about NGK-10, whatever that is and also Autolite AR2592 and BR10EIX but still not sure what the longest lasting ones are.
Haven't really heard that flash ROM and RAM would go bad over time.
If you do decide to burn new chips, do it by copying the old chips. Don't know if you can also copy over the EEPROM data too (tuning data). But that would save you from having to retune everything. Cost of chips and PICKit 2 or 3 should still be well under $100. I still don't know if Microchip provides a service where you send in chips and they duplicate them.
On 1/27/2022 11:23 PM, Dennis Haverlah
clouduster@austin.rr.com wrote: