X-Junk-Score: 0 [] X-Cloudmark-Score: 0 [] X-Cloudmark-Analysis: v=2.3 cv=G+5i7Os5 c=1 sm=1 tr=0 a=giSso9DdQMjkbyo9kvmecw==:117 a=IkcTkHD0fZMA:10 a=J70Eh1EUuV4A:10 a=EwZo5GwoBJIA:10 a=tXwS-ErFAAAA:20 a=xQV0dr1qpBPyvrMJLc0A:9 a=QEXdDO2ut3YA:10 From: "Finn Lassen finn.lassen@verizon.net" Received: from sonic316-20.consmr.mail.ne1.yahoo.com ([] verified) by logan.com (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 6.2.14) with ESMTPS id 12972185 for flyrotary@lancaironline.net; Thu, 19 Sep 2019 09:16:01 -0400 Received-SPF: pass receiver=logan.com; client-ip=; envelope-from=finn.lassen@verizon.net DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=verizon.net; s=a2048; t=1568898943; bh=0sPcldA2Dj/xd70YskZkh+fZHq1jEZOFWCfFj3wf/kU=; h=To:From:Subject:Date:References:From:Subject; b=Lu1SDdU8clJTTjrlktL7eAuhuC9n3rJV6XIfIIKb8F8i0/J51hNRS7XTIqNSkwzkB4fFOOfrN/BOfpR+JxnkZ7yw/FdUdNfAwZCgQGi6BeRcoa+/1qrbOU1Uv8GX/Pd2Cn78/EVqyUYQCzt1TU2JMuYyppA8JU0MhpsptFpI76STdTFtmzXDtmKWAmd1pK0NnhLHewoiz8lvRu/m5iymM4my9uQkGIKTtjcfk6YzT8PhSf85k/E34VqInhd5BeS4DZneOEnpWuji7Z28s2nNijm40gPs3mfPaRV+TvcqNmWnP0pQUXWynJpgz2tbNNDMkdRPGuqOG5c5YPZ9gAf2LA== X-YMail-OSG: nvAqfO0VM1knlVdGlIg8zUMclRkAGMMUhUTrrsk7RXhPuP5Ugm_DhXIzWPFFZnl 2Ya_S72jAj8xORuwacvDb21fRr_0TFzLzyyXg_PY8dxOKxE7pmm3tr8TvxXRe6AVfv8Z4oHy50EF NVvreEyn04G7pYQU92ACULWAEaECznb0ejAtmH9mvN4GX_LmXjNm.J3qAYtmVTS2o9LGvE6RDx7U WyQTPJ_M7bJFekF5ow0E6zBvQVxkhzF9ul_SJQwgD9xEgkiBmWQO1pq_xgWNKddDDsY_0McN.LVa 7VXzKqZ95YBYGldPjZALySkNYs.m85uRmVloe7mFl1nmG61gg3OZECIvbnilOYf_vXQEwprD84BY TQNLT2qtBdmtjwmfMxfzUPa_6IHFAR0uB0tGX9woMWRPINy8paPfXMl.ZeDAkbUARu3HGuqscsIO Bg1GA0ZzeNmIeYM2HF19d6Qmnitj9Mp.0KVHo7rncWCAfSsxdgIP7HKi6JQcZgRnXch2qVAqVHei IPzcso0DD2QYWKFZzAsaHldTg1btyIclxHcASkF6vHbtOjLzjOaanpeVC2JiO98ZfP..FSD1Z9di J62_1KM2aDLi64h1Z1CJJJKJY6KOMp7VbU1yeZXGfhXjO_H3_oy_ElN6lAOZiIR5hZCvOO3bqxJa lXtFoviJFVeLp9W8pD.TrE_7QTIFCsXzjPbLTq0RdgjE9U8FLD78IOei180OkYUhAtJFXDnn6Qyq AUzK2fZz67HW0miILNW5MizObc4tJzcT7U0GaHFtxwE7.pr6ZIyXQWXXhgZaypiDq9jOriefVwvA PZZupGfrJF7K3CmuPZm_GKxCE8z0zOi2dWDWRkdWzMJBGcHgmfGwVrt8LcVo8zC_ljDze8rnPdmq kXW9UPoUlWl2SH6bwzZQHtbrDBd8EhvkXS__ak7NqRZ1Z6VnlWWcKfG6vxDmGjkNE4X69HOJgCpj NhDOcn8XxuPaSJWT6eRk69a2xe04WUov_Miw6w.pCP.2afUCi2ADsfjbYxvbfWuiOywzt0eOjwVE HG5PDCrxg2NSUTE2vvlYjSwohafVTZny3i7pt_I1p1C2L6gNLRIBbPRJtAFc3wxthN1f_Symi5X8 R7jwY05ftkzl3J4agjTvnWtkIYGMRTHExG8AvpdG1J6e6CxIEuoCeBNdTYMjTX9eQqrD6vtBKjVE kxWcxWQCAbC7Drxz95df_KU9.ETqNLh.Kw9B01OLGlIfhMHhU4r6WvmEEI9AsM.nbrBgBpGZy241 cUyu9jeQ1.nmGnddyf94ObfV0MBWyVqNximETmF3LNk6CGzgLNSG4eMzNlF9XCOd9jlNK6LdqID4 cLLe420FaRWkcxv_AEgoJhMm6clWIo7VEotw- Received: from sonic.gate.mail.ne1.yahoo.com by sonic316.consmr.mail.ne1.yahoo.com with HTTP; Thu, 19 Sep 2019 13:15:43 +0000 Received: by smtp411.mail.bf1.yahoo.com (Oath Hermes SMTP Server) with ESMTPA ID f11025faf24b5858fcea2fc6046533ac; Thu, 19 Sep 2019 13:15:41 +0000 (UTC) To: Rotary motors in aircraft Subject: Bell mouth 3D printed Message-ID: Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2019 09:15:35 -0400 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.9.1 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-Language: en-US References: X-Mailer: WebService/1.1.14367 hermes Apache-HttpAsyncClient/4.1.4 (Java/1.8.0_181) Content-Length: 2014 My first experience with 3D printing. I had bought a new Ender-3 and a 1Kg spool of ABS for less than $200. Article and pictures here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LbQcJIGnjsfNWfL5qiwz5ev7ze9IWAzm I copied the "best" picture from the RET_Bellmouth_Sept.pdf article, pasted it into Paint and saved as Bellmouth.bmp. Imported that into Fusion360 as canvas. Calibrated it so throat was 19.972mm (1.18") Made a spline matching the left curve up to the top. Added a tangent arc (radius). Added a 2mm rectangle that extended the throat about 1" with an 1.25" ID. (The bell mouth will slide 1" down on the 1.25" OD pipe.) Added a "looks good" spline from part of the arc down to the throat. (I believe that in our case, where most of the air comes from behind the bell mouth, air should have a smooth path along the outside of the pipe and radius of bellmouth.) Revolved the whole thing to get the solid bell mouth. [The result is actually a bit smaller overall diameter than the recommended 2.13 * 30 + 2 * (0.08 * 2.13 * 30) = 74mm] Exported to a .stl file. Downloaded and installed Ultimaker Cura 4.2.1. Opened the .stl file with Cura and "sliced" it. 20% infill. This changes the solid inside to a criss-cross pattern. Looking at it being printed it appeared?? to produce about 3/32" thick walls by default. Saved result to .gcode file. Printed with the Ender-3. Took 3 hours and 15 mins. Nozzle temp default for ABS is 240*C. Spool says 230-260*C. Seeing how some of the strands didn't stick and pulled across the mouth, I think I'll use a higher nozzle temp on the next print. I printed it with mouth down. Unfortunately that resulted in a radius quite different from the design model. I'll try to smooth the lip on my first attempt with epoxy or JB Weld and sandpaper. If I print it throat down, it'll probably need support along the outside that'll have to be cut after printing. Will ABS be strong enough? I think so. The airflow should keep temps well below 85*C. Finn