Mine's on the side. When I flipped the angle, I was able to move the rad aft quite a bit, which gave me more room to tilt out (down, for you?) at the front. Regardless of tilt, your bottom drawing's dashed line is much closer to what worked for me. Except mines a relatively smooth curve all the way to the inlet. It's worth playing with the cardboard & tape to find the most effective curve. My 1st effort, which was after Tracy's advice, still had nowhere near enough pinch at the aft end. I had to fill back there with spray foam and re-contour quite a bit. Once I got even flow across the core, I glassed over the new foam.
I hate to keep saying this, but mine hasn't flown. I know the air flow is even across the face of the core, but I really don't know how *much* air is flowing. But it is scaled fairly closely to what Tracy did in the RV-8/20B install, so I'm hopeful.