X-Junk-Score: 0 [] X-Cloudmark-Score: 0 [] X-Cloudmark-Analysis: v=2.2 cv=QoAc5h6d c=1 sm=1 tr=0 a=8qDJnuPQN3P2iuyXSidnJg==:117 a=bn/DUsYu+aR+e4LdkXnOkw==:17 a=IkcTkHD0fZMA:10 a=x7bEGLp0ZPQA:10 a=CKeqCrOqW6IA:10 a=R9QF1RCXAYgA:10 a=pGLkceISAAAA:8 a=Ia-xEzejAAAA:8 a=7g1VtSJxAAAA:8 a=LfsiDA8OzJeQFaNs5RYA:9 a=SvbiZYEPEeC9ny6q:21 a=iYbWJekMzPkwD0u9:21 a=QEXdDO2ut3YA:10 a=Qa1je4BO31QA:10 a=gvSQh4r-fQ0A:10 a=Urk15JJjZg1Xo0ryW_k8:22 a=grOzbf7U_OpcSX4AJOnl:22 From: "Stephen Izett stephen.izett@gmail.com" Received: from mail-pg1-f170.google.com ([] verified) by logan.com (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 6.2.6) with ESMTPS id 11440210 for flyrotary@lancaironline.net; Thu, 26 Jul 2018 19:07:33 -0400 Received-SPF: pass receiver=logan.com; client-ip=; envelope-from=stephen.izett@gmail.com Received: by mail-pg1-f170.google.com with SMTP id v13-v6so2036156pgr.10 for ; Thu, 26 Jul 2018 16:07:33 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20161025; h=from:content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:subject:date:references :to:in-reply-to:message-id; bh=2vD/H29WkHn9ZTrFqNqvQ9VJGgBW7CwqieiG5D/aTL4=; b=f+VhPIdVT75pSP+2tUPI5uT0e02gsJ4Ypv4rlTqj3q3dQvnZudwTRt4xoZfjZ16Q0f rGEJDV6f9hzXhSh4IuzU4d45KJVcAWF+FDe9GbPAvfPbcYk+jQ+H6+LyoQmN33Fce/3z euO5z+d32UvXyusWuICWryiSscGEehdYnqsXHTwJo7VQBdpe10jZpn6DUroC8YnTzqF3 dDjBsJqk36jGLPEGSBvydzjHKUNOnU1udZ5yE6kH7byh4RBV1xuc2Rd5t/JqevJEA1jI OMNpLhz80MtYDNtgbPi41BRR5/7FL1Hq1onOwHnJagdE1aL1MKgJlw0M55flQ4cUs8M4 ryGA== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=1e100.net; s=20161025; h=x-gm-message-state:from:content-transfer-encoding:mime-version :subject:date:references:to:in-reply-to:message-id; bh=2vD/H29WkHn9ZTrFqNqvQ9VJGgBW7CwqieiG5D/aTL4=; b=MV8VUyCA5NhFViX8/stS4fR76BWHR/WUxK6yFUD7/GN/GsweXtuPPcDfzUfomnWkaf Fy6Dx56tNl7BKvgWJ2As+NW7F7iE5tG9qseJpVsQvynucxSpeHcGaFteCGJ/4PeGXheq 8+UJ3Wp31G4RhHvA+3PmBgrR/QzZPAXoMJX1Qth83QUpGRQKedgwE7/UcsV5tqn9KkW8 oavaet7H/skJfH2Sxni8lyXdx+54RSoCCjNpYef2ZzMqclzCLg/UCrwH5uckbwqDsZKI ozdcMKj5VHg3m4jqIPflfBkVA21BhuTCysZMHHb70WWnA367dQSTL9ieuOexLynCyIdR 8g7A== X-Gm-Message-State: AOUpUlE9hvbH5eQ3qpcsZbnsxpD5peYwY74O/u83GT6KL5bLXOjo42br UArJjmWgyZyye0hUCDDIup/8SysF X-Google-Smtp-Source: AAOMgpep5m7v9/whDby/yx1oSNpeVq99VIMrodwd2Zg6/ae2y7fS7LhXRnyxYPD3fTR7f5gW8PtURA== X-Received: by 2002:a62:df82:: with SMTP id d2-v6mr3997403pfl.189.1532646436479; Thu, 26 Jul 2018 16:07:16 -0700 (PDT) Return-Path: Received: from steves-mbp.lan ([]) by smtp.gmail.com with ESMTPSA id g11-v6sm9290203pgi.90.2018. for (version=TLS1_2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128/128); Thu, 26 Jul 2018 16:07:16 -0700 (PDT) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 11.5 \(3445.9.1\)) Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] cooling Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2018 07:07:11 +0800 References: To: Rotary motors in aircraft In-Reply-To: Message-Id: <83F00436-73C8-4C8F-B611-1306E4D1912B@gmail.com> X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.3445.9.1) Hi there Neil Ha. Glad you found the Ign problem. Looking forward to hearing how she flies now. I=E2=80=99m still waiting on the new oil cooler so it is going to take = another month to build a new diffuser and fit. Steve Izett > On 27 Jul 2018, at 5:57 am, Neil Unger 12348ung@gmail.com = wrote: >=20 > Steve and Chris, >=20 > Finally got the fibreglass dry and = fired up the revised cooling system and temp as follows Water 90 = degrees, (on thermostat) Oil 80 degrees, and oil to reduction box 70 = degrees ( from oil cooler). To fill other in on how stupid I can be, I = had the original set up, that ran far too cool, so I also believed that = I was getting massive cooling drag as my sportsman could only get 120 = Kts instead of the usual 135 kts. So I set about making up a very sexy = cowling where the air from the radiator exhausted into the cowling. = This put the gap between the radiator and the sump of only 4 - 6 inches, = which worked well in that all it did was heat the oil in the sump = marvelously!! I was getting oil temps 20 degrees hotter than the water. = So after booting the cat many times in frustration, I finally realised = that I had to exhaust the rads into the outside air as per the original. = Fibreglass in the middle of winter ????. >=20 > Final part of the jig saw was that when I removed the original set up = to mount my new engine and cowling, I found that I had never bolted the = positive lead to the back coil, and it has come off who knows when? = Result I was flying with the back rotor on the trailing plug only!!! = Hence the slower speed which I thought was the cooling drag! >=20 > So basically I am now right back where I started as per cooling = exhausting into the outside air, A lot more experience that I did not = need and confirmation that I am an idiot! >=20 > Neil Unger. >=20 >=20 > -- > Homepage: http://www.flyrotary.com/ > Archive and UnSub: = http://mail.lancaironline.net:81/lists/flyrotary/List.html