Hi Guys
Thanks for the replies
Our water inlet is small (Standard Glasair) - modelled of Tracy’s RV8 20b I understood he had a round right cheek inlet of 5.25” giving him 22 in^2 to his water rad for 300hp in Florida temps. For the two rotor -> 2/3rd of 22 is <15. We have >16 for <200hp
My concern is the delta T’s. Yesterday at 1800rpm I was seeing 12F across oil and 6F across the water. Previously I’d seen this as high as 18F and 9F not sure why so low yesterday. What do others see on the ground at idle? Does anyone have good pressure data on the ground. Idle and power settings? Are these low due to:
1. Water flow due to cooling system design or air trapped. 2. Air flow due to small inlet, compounded by a prop that doesn’t have much blade near the spinner.
I’ll look at some further baffling of the Rad to exit but cant see this helping at idle air speeds unless I duct the exit low pressure direct to the back of the core. I’ll send further photos
Thanks Steve
Cowl exit.jpg