Mailing List Message #63692
From: Ed Anderson <>
Subject: Any Propellers for Sale?
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2017 16:54:34 -0400
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
My friend, Max is looking for an additional propeller for his world-traveling rotary powered aircraft.  
Max currently  has a 70” dia x 60” pitch wooden (reverse rotation of course) on his Tracy 2.17:1 gearbox.  This limits his engine rpm to around 4900-5000 for take off and he seldom sees above 5200-5300 in WOT flight.  He believes that perhaps a similar prop with less diameter may be the answer to improving performance.  My original prop was a 68” x 72” and I could easily get 5200-5300 on take off and around 5600-5700 at WOT, but that was for a different airframe than Max has.
So if any one has a prop occupying space that  they want to sell and  that fits somewhere between 70x60 and 68 x 72 and fits the hub of Tracy’s RWS 2.17:1 hub, let me know the specifications, price and condition and I will be glad to pass it on to Max.
Best Regards
Edward L. Anderson
Anderson Electronic Enterprises LLC
305 Reefton Road
Weddington, NC 28104
704 821 7595
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