Mailing List Message #5495
From: Russell Duffy <>
Subject: RE: [FlyRotary] education and entertainment
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2004 21:57:57 -0600
To: 'Rotary motors in aircraft' <>
I am so glad to read Rusty's honest appraisal of how it really works in this experimental stuff.  I'm thinking of naming my plane "Do & Re-do". 
Tommy the lurker 
Hi Tommy.  You can have that name with my compliments.  I'm thinking of Rev-X :-)  Glad to hear that you may be working toward something reliable enough to trust on a flight to NC.   
I had a pretty successful day of fabrication today.  Man, the lathe is just tooooo cool.  I'm even getting better at TIG welding.  Today I learned that the smoke alarm in the garage lets me know when I have my heavy leather glove a little too close to the work :-) 
Rusty (my EM-2 shipped today !!!)  

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