Mailing List Message #5484
From: Perry Mick <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: Torsionals
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 13:42:17 -0800
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Tracy Crook wrote:
Don't know if anyone has commented on this already Pete, but yes, the single rotor does have torque reversals. 
 Don't know how much of a problem this will be but the torque signature (IGNORE RPM FOR THIS COMPARISON, it doesn't matter)  will be the same as the three cylinder piston engine.  Raven had a challenging time developing a redrive for the Suzi/Geo 3 cyl. engine if that is any clue.
If the two rotor is similar to a 4 cylinder 4 stroke piston engine, wouldn't a one rotor be similar to a 2 cylinder 4 stroke engine? Lamar has published the plots many times showing no torque reversals for a two rotor but very strong torque reversals for a one rotor.
Perry Mick

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