I am
so glad to read Rusty's honest appraisal of how it really works in this
experimental stuff. I'm thinking of naming my plane "Do &
days ago in Pensacola, duh?, I set about to re-evaluate my mixture map.
(hint to Perry)(Thanks to Ed). I found that the average setting, from 13"
to 30" was 5-6 bars/10 on the meter. I reset in Mode 1 to 7-8 bars.
Went flying and power was good. However, takeoff roll rpm was still low at
4500. As we accelerated to 5400 in level flight, the mixture meter showed
only 4-5 bars. I adjusted to 7 and kept the mixture there for local
flights at from 3-5000 with nothing but smoothness.
would the WOT mixture decline in flight vs. static WOT?
2. Should I go for more TO power with slightly less pitch until
it will generate 6000 +- with WOT in level flight?
the lurker
ps WOT
Temps never got above 197* with OAT at 60-65*, even at 80kt
Rusty wrote:" Speaking of learning, it's
frustrating to make so many mistakes ...... a way to do it better the next time.
After much do and re-do last night, I've decided to scrap ...... It sure
hasn't saved me any time, or money :-) "