Mailing List Message #5481
From: Dale Rogers <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: EC2 MAP Table
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 12:36:12 -0500
To: <>

   Somewhere around here, I have other references/articles
regarding PC Flight Systems.  Basically, one "needs" the
"custom designed" eData module to do the A-D conversions
from engine sensors.  I'm certain this is predicated on
the data format that his program expects to see in the
input stream.

   At that price, it isn't *quite* worth reverse-engineering
an interface of your own - unless you just enjoy the
challenge, or just don't have an extra $700 laying around
(like me).

Dale R.

> The idea of EC2 programming on an IPAQ lead me think about engine monitoring
> on it too. You've got some real time inputs already. How hard would it be to
> extend this for real-time analog display?
> I did a search for IPAQ and engine monitor and came across:
> Low and behold, toward the bottom of the page...
> "New Version for Real World Solutions EC-2 0nly $150.00"
> Unfortunately it's not as simple as it looks. I think you need a $695
> "edata" module and, of course, the ipaq.
> Does anyone have any experience of this company?

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