Mailing List Message #53106
From: Bill Bradburry <>
Subject: RE: [FlyRotary] Help - O2 sensor removal
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 19:36:15 -0500
To: 'Rotary motors in aircraft' <>


The best penetrating oil as discussed previously on the list is ATF mixed 50/50 with acetone.


Apply this and while it soaks, put ice on the O2 sensor, then heat the exhaust with a torch.

Cut the wire off the O2 sensor and use a long impact socket and driver to remove the sensor.  Next time use antiseize on the threads.


Bill B


From: Rotary motors in aircraft [] On Behalf Of Al Gietzen
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 5:40 PM
To: Rotary motors in aircraft
Subject: [FlyRotary] Help - O2 sensor removal


After about 130 hrs my O2 sensor seemed to be getting a little sluggish; so I decided to replace it. I put a wrench on it and unable to budge it.  A bigger wrench and still no luck – getting worried about cracking the weld around the bung, or some other damage.  Any ideas about getting that thing loose?


I didn’t put anything on the threads when I put it in – perhaps next time; but what?



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