X-Virus-Scanned: clean according to Sophos on Logan.com Return-Path: Received: from nm21-vm0.bullet.mail.sp2.yahoo.com ([] verified) by logan.com (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 5.3.10) with SMTP id 4595737 for flyrotary@lancaironline.net; Mon, 29 Nov 2010 09:38:19 -0500 Received-SPF: none receiver=logan.com; client-ip=; envelope-from=keltro@att.net Received: from [] by nm21.bullet.mail.sp2.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 29 Nov 2010 14:37:42 -0000 Received: from [] by tm3.bullet.mail.sp2.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 29 Nov 2010 14:37:42 -0000 Received: from [] by omp1029.mail.sp2.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 29 Nov 2010 14:37:42 -0000 X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-3 X-Yahoo-Newman-Id: 758998.68598.bm@omp1029.mail.sp2.yahoo.com Received: (qmail 66760 invoked by uid 60001); 29 Nov 2010 14:37:42 -0000 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=att.net; s=s1024; t=1291041462; bh=BL0f/Axc6l9Kep8UDc7jG97qle1vOBmoKfuRg6Fq3x8=; h=Message-ID:X-YMail-OSG:Received:X-Mailer:References:Date:From:Subject:To:In-Reply-To:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=YElLU+JWn+KipLyFuWIqEf01YEQV0gPEkfPruG8qLpXFImRpIB0ARtOWX3OPxHTF5izrdVSgB6JAOPI/f2ZyjBG2fG+Sl1BfDRB637WBHHdzcgMQDJZJtqFYJ+2o6J9tRSz/nzRIhl2snm+FZl4MbW5/va++t8r07JbXZ5CLGec= DomainKey-Signature:a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=s1024; d=att.net; h=Message-ID:X-YMail-OSG:Received:X-Mailer:References:Date:From:Subject:To:In-Reply-To:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=gDeejenukh8KFOZbK6W7W2e8rY4H40Lec0D0lcXcSpLghZ47WTvMIxgnt8SadjmTIM088hwNUEMrNIpOX5cLx5ek8CHjuJEHK/oCYNAN99pl3QszmgMCjsdqyPgSCSdRGBmMNd+qaqS5X9yUu0WNmK7XSf2dxx9mUkvsOTyPaf8=; Message-ID: <538194.66326.qm@web83912.mail.sp1.yahoo.com> X-YMail-OSG: bm95RacVM1lrhmGHS8O2nh6P_gs52tJrQ1Xr64dmK6wt1v. U0magkq9ctHa3sPgl6OXrsMMT1Rut5wNuL4vnDtsZGmdroJudhuWYlmWD9wz 8smqcKDYqeZo6bgkXpj8UessKnz7pos1ScV.TT_DjKmD23Xj2WxncAz7PblB o6vr01JtdxFwNTz2fPcEW2NxhA2T35x3rYNQ6e2juL9wgzslYZbPmCJ6toJQ pvsr0SjAi98muJPaOTgFHeFBkP1HsUOoptzT88CKrTCagevOafZnr7Pp3Zxt WpMh._Ee_tQ-- Received: from [] by web83912.mail.sp1.yahoo.com via HTTP; Mon, 29 Nov 2010 06:37:41 PST X-Mailer: YahooMailRC/553 YahooMailWebService/ References: Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 06:37:41 -0800 (PST) From: Kelly Troyer Subject: re: Renesis front/pump hsg To: Rotary motors in aircraft In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0-1721214350-1291041461=:66326" --0-1721214350-1291041461=:66326 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable =0AThanks Mark,=0A=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 I will have to do a=A0weight comparison b= etween the 13B and Renesis=A0hsgs=0Afor an accurate weight loss number.....= ..........Glad to hear you made it to see=0AChris's project............As= =A0I sit here at my computer with project parts =0Astacked=0Ahere and there= waiting to be installed it is the interaction between all the =0Aguys =0A= =0A(and Girrls) of the group=A0that keeps me from going "Batty" from my car= etaking=0Ajob until I can get time away to make meaningful progress on my p= roject !!.....=0A=0AKelly Troyer=0A"DYKE DELTA JD2" (Eventually)=0A"13B ROT= ARY"_ Engine=0A"RWS"_RD1C/EC2/EM2=0A"MISTRAL"_Backplate/Oil Manifold=0A"TUR= BONETICS"_TO4E50 Turbo=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFro= m: Mark Steitle =0ATo: Rotary motors in aircraft =0ASent: Mon, November 29, 2010 7:21:39 AM=0ASubject= : [FlyRotary] Re: Renesis front/pump hsg=0A=0A=0AKelly, =0A=0AKeep in mind = that my baseline for my weight-loss was the stock 20B water pump =0Awhich c= omes in at around 13#.=A0 The 13B pump & housing is smaller and=A0lighter.= =A0 =0A=0A=0AMark=0A=0A=0AOn Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 3:15 AM, Kelly Troyer wrote:=0A=0A=0A>=A0Girrls and Group,=0A>=0A>=0A>=A0=A0=A0 Fou= nd their E bay store for the Renesis RX8 front cover........Ordered one =0A= >for my other=0A>project (Cassutt/13B)...........It is a bargan at $75.00= =A0including =0A>shipping.........The new price=0A>is $240.00 + shipping fr= om "Mazdatrix"............They had 2 left after my order =0A>so if anyone= =0A>else of the Rotary group is interested in loseing a few pounds=A0FWFD (= I think =0A>Mark said he =0A>=0A>lost 5 lbs)=A0go to "E bay" and type in it= em #=A0=A0350416121987...........=0A>=0A>Thanks,=0A>=0A>Kelly Troyer=0A>"DY= KE DELTA JD2" (Eventually)=0A>"13B ROTARY"_ Engine=0A>"RWS"_RD1C/EC2/EM2=0A= >"MISTRAL"_Backplate/Oil Manifold=0A>"TURBONETICS"_TO4E50 Turbo=0A>=0A>=0A>= =0A>=0A>=0A________________________________=0AFrom: "CozyGirrrl@aol.com" =0A>To: keltro@att.net=0A>Sent: Sun, November 28, 2010 9:= 18:23 PM=0A>Subject: Re: Renesis front/pump hsg=0A>=0A>Dear Kelly,=0A>Found= the housing on ebay, guy in TX at Rotary Innovations.com I think it was. = =0A>$75 for cover.=0A>Thanks for the diagram, Chrissi=0A>=0A>In a message d= ated 11/28/2010 3:09:32 A.M. Central Standard Time, keltro@att.net =0A>writ= es:=0A>Girrrl's=0A>>=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 Great............May I ask=A0who you pu= rchased=A0the hsg from and price =0A>>??..............Do you know=0A>>if th= ey have others for sale ??=0A>>=0A>>=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 The 93-95 and Renesis C= AS sensors are not the same............Also if you =0A>>are using Tracys=0A= >>EC2 you only need one sensor............The EC2 is setup for the Renesis = CAS =0A>>timing wheel and=0A>>the 93-95 sensor is susposed to work with it.= ..............I had to adapt =0A>>a=A0Renesis=A0hub and=A0timing =0A>>=0A>>= wheel to fit the "Mistral" pulley............See EC2/Renesis CAS Schematic = and =0A>>photo attached...=0A>>=0A>>Kelly Troyer=0A>>"DYKE DELTA JD2" (Even= tually)=0A>>"13B ROTARY"_ Engine=0A>>"RWS"_RD1C/EC2/EM2=0A>>"MISTRAL"_Backp= late/Oil Manifold=0A>>"TURBONETICS"_TO4E50 Turbo=0A>>=0A>>=0A>>=0A>>=0A>>= =0A________________________________=0AFrom: "CozyGirrrl@aol.com" =0A>>To: keltro@att.net=0A>>Sent: Sat, November 27, 2010 1:39:25 = PM=0A>>Subject: Re: Renesis front/pump hsg=0A>>=0A>>Hi Kelly,=0A>>=0A>>Foun= d a housing on ebay, got it, cut and machined it, looking good! =0A>>=0A>>W= aiting for WP cartridge from NAPA, primary fuel rail from ebay. =0A>>=0A>>N= eed 93-95 CAS sensor mtg plate, also can you ask list if 93-95 CAS sensor(2= ) =0A>>are the same as Renesis CAS sensor(1)? If so then we only need to fi= nd a single =0A>>additional sensor and the mtg plate. Also the 93-95 CAS ti= ming wheel.=0A>>=0A>>Thanks, Chrissi & Randi=0A>>=0A>>In a message dated 11= /27/2010 1:07:22 P.M. Central Standard Time, keltro@att.net =0A>>writes:=0A= >>Girrl's,=0A>>>=0A>>>=A0=A0 Any luck finding a hsg ??.............=0A>>>= =A0=0A>>>Kelly Troyer=0A>>>"DYKE DELTA JD2" (Eventually)=0A>>>"13B ROTARY"_= Engine=0A>>>"RWS"_RD1C/EC2/EM2=0A>>>"MISTRAL"_Backplate/Oil Manifold=0A>>>= "TURBONETICS"_TO4E50 Turbo=0A --0-1721214350-1291041461=:66326 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Thanks Mark,
      I will have to do a weight = comparison between the 13B and Renesis hsgs
for an accura= te weight loss number...............Glad to hear you made it to see
= =0A
Chris's project............As I sit here at my computer with p= roject parts stacked
here and there waiting to be installed it= is the interaction between all the guys
(and Girrls) of the = group that keeps me from going "Batty" from my caretaking
=0Ajob until I can get time away to make meaningful progress on my project !!= .....

Kelly Troyer
"DYKE DELTA JD2" (Eventually)


"13B ROTARY"_ Engine
"MISTRAL"_Backplate/Oil Ma= nifold





=0AFrom: Mark Steitle <msteitle@gmail.com><= BR>To: Rotary motors in air= craft <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
Sent: Mon, November 29, 2010 7:21:39 AM
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: Renesis front/pu= mp hsg

Keep = in mind that my baseline for my weight-loss was the stock 20B water pump wh= ich comes in at around 13#.  The 13B pump & housing is smaller and=  lighter. 

= =0A
On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 3:15 AM, Kelly Troyer <= SPAN dir=3Dltr><keltro@att.net> w= rote:

 Girrls and Group,
    Found their E bay store for the Renesis RX= 8 front cover........Ordered one for my other
project (Cassutt= /13B)...........It is a bargan at $75.00 including shipping.........Th= e new price
is $240.00 + shipping from "Mazdatrix"............= They had 2 left after my order so if anyone
else of the Rotary= group is interested in loseing a few pounds FWFD (I think Mark said h= e
lost 5 lbs) go to "E bay" and type in item # &nbs= p;350416121987...........

Kelly Troyer
"DYKE DELTA J= D2" (Eventually)


"13B ROTARY= "_ Engine
"MISTRAL"_Backplate/Oil Manifold

=0A<= P>"TURBONETICS"_TO4E50 Turbo



=0AFrom: "CozyGirrrl@aol.com" <CozyGirrrl@aol.com>
To: keltr= o@att.net
Sent: Sun,= November 28, 2010 9:18:23 PM
Subje= ct: Re: Renesis front/pump hsg

Dear Kelly,
Found the housing= on ebay, guy in TX at Rotary Innovations.com I think it was. $75 for cover.=0A
Thanks for the diagram, Chrissi
In a message dated 11/28/2010 3:09:32 A.M. Central Standard Time, = keltro@att.net writes:
      G= reat............May I ask who you purchased the hsg from and pric= e ??..............Do you know
if they have others for sale ??<= /DIV>=0A
      The 93-95 a= nd Renesis CAS sensors are not the same............Also if you are using Tr= acys
EC2 you only need one sensor............The EC2 is setup = for the Renesis CAS timing wheel and
the 93-95 sensor is suspo= sed to work with it...............I had to adapt a Renesis hub an= d timing
wheel to fit the "Mistral" pulley............Se= e EC2/Renesis CAS Schematic and photo attached...
= =0A

Kelly Troyer
"DYKE DELTA JD2" (Eventually)


"13B ROTARY"_ Engine
"RWS= "_RD1C/EC2/EM2
"MISTRAL"_Backplate/Oil Manifold





=0AFrom:<= /B> "CozyGirrrl@aol.com" <CozyGirrrl@aol.com>
To: keltro@att.net
= Sent: Sat, November 27, 201= 0 1:39:25 PM
Subject: Re= : Renesis front/pump hsg

Hi Kelly,
Found a housing= on ebay, got it, cut and machined it, looking good!
Wait= ing for WP cartridge from NAPA, primary fuel rail from ebay.
Need 93-95 CAS sensor mtg plate, also can you ask list = if 93-95 CAS sensor(2) are the same as Renesis CAS sensor(1)? If so then we= only need to find a single additional sensor and the mtg plate. Also the 9= 3-95 CAS timing wheel.
Thanks, Chrissi &am= p; Randi
In a message dated 11/27/= 2010 1:07:22 P.M. Central Standard Time, keltro@att= .net writes:
   Any luck = finding a hsg ??.............

Kelly Troyer
= "DYKE DELTA JD2" (Eventually)


"13B ROTARY"_ Engine
"MISTRAL"_Ba= ckplate/Oil Manifold



<= /FONT>
