X-Virus-Scanned: clean according to Sophos on Logan.com X-SpamCatcher-Score: 1 [X] Return-Path: Received: from nm21.bullet.mail.sp2.yahoo.com ([] verified) by logan.com (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 5.3.10) with SMTP id 4594882 for flyrotary@lancaironline.net; Sun, 28 Nov 2010 12:48:14 -0500 Received-SPF: none receiver=logan.com; client-ip=; envelope-from=keltro@att.net Received: from [] by nm21.bullet.mail.sp2.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 28 Nov 2010 17:47:38 -0000 Received: from [] by tm4.bullet.mail.sp2.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 28 Nov 2010 17:47:38 -0000 Received: from [] by omp1050.mail.sp2.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 28 Nov 2010 17:47:38 -0000 X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-3 X-Yahoo-Newman-Id: 288138.29769.bm@omp1050.mail.sp2.yahoo.com Received: (qmail 66517 invoked by uid 60001); 28 Nov 2010 17:47:38 -0000 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=att.net; s=s1024; t=1290966458; bh=iuaSVbrP1xuvTVPyZz56jQoX8jS8Vq3VT7oeFidgK90=; h=Message-ID:X-YMail-OSG:Received:X-Mailer:References:Date:From:Subject:To:In-Reply-To:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=p560ygeVaLcqUv+8Hu0XCakcmSu1uRUPrjf9dsN5Rh327q3+78pjNvzWKrvYobTESMa4a/SrjGCI/5tr+LKgDXBIHh2PWfFtphUWr6wAK0MKjgi1Q+Y71rY8JqRMCCzFCb7RVt+btZrg+4Bmfas4XLqEs8RGOq25kAzS/E+8go0= DomainKey-Signature:a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=s1024; d=att.net; h=Message-ID:X-YMail-OSG:Received:X-Mailer:References:Date:From:Subject:To:In-Reply-To:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=rkefc84VyxDBXUk40HHM10lHWTNcWtJytTZATiJqIM/kRAzg6yTYJxz+Eq5khBWdkkh3Qz8aEO2VDKwrc48Ftksiieh6pimm/cujJ2O+RWO0KecAHN5WRNz4meCobXkBkJaMzQ3Go/xbiXaTadZbGhvcHen5/OP6nHA0iCeEusI=; Message-ID: <2880.64900.qm@web83910.mail.sp1.yahoo.com> X-YMail-OSG: tDgTBcEVM1lUtIDQ5nqCr5eQOHHOonIOwTOKrtXRtZrWW69 NeJrt8aTcpxAwtpH9V1oAD.xU7Z8MlcAh041Fk0OwQgZislcuxxaqifhzf_9 J4VSYqpIKACRNMcpcdzzIlL0JMD8B6PdKmgWeWrK5wQ1VHcbgZPPfYclOZv_ 72riUd_D7u6wv1HL5eSy3Uu5A6zX1mp2E4IMYyAbGXfxzLM81qZYjpvNETzn W.RJGciotLn9ygtflfJX9uwFfXzQqZqKz9K37eYqvJAawwzj7q4RsSxPPlX2 7E30lKZzQhw-- Received: from [] by web83910.mail.sp1.yahoo.com via HTTP; Sun, 28 Nov 2010 09:47:37 PST X-Mailer: YahooMailRC/553 YahooMailWebService/ References: Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 09:47:37 -0800 (PST) From: Kelly Troyer Subject: Re: Turbo Water Plumbing To: Rotary motors in aircraft , CozyGirrrl@aol.com In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0-1328585663-1290966457=:64900" --0-1328585663-1290966457=:64900 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Dave,=0A=A0=A0 Thanks for the reply...........The "Cosy Girrls", myself and= probably others =0Aof the =0A=0Agroup planning on a turbo installation app= reciate you and all others sharing the=0A"Real World Info" that has been pr= oven by actual use............=0A=0A=A0 I should clarify my statement that = "Turbonetics" installation info said to =0Aplumb the =0A=0Acool=A0coolent t= o the lowest port and hot return to the high port..........What =0Athey sai= d=0Awas adjust the turbo bearing cartridge water port about 20 degrees from= =0Ahorizontal=0Amaking=A0 the=A0lowest coolent port the cool inlet and the= highest coolent port the =0Areturn=0Ato engine which will take advantage o= f the "Thermal Siphoning Effect" to reduce =0Aheat soak after shutdown.....= The turbo must be mounted below the highest coolent=0Alevel=A0 for maximum = thermal siphoning.........This positions the oil ports 20 =0Adegrees =0A=0A= from vertical to maintain the oil return almost straight down for gravity r= eturn =0Ato the =0A=0Asump as you stated..........No mention was made of th= e best place to return =0Acoolent=0Ato the engine but you are correct that = the most pressure differential for =0Amaximum=0Acoolent flow for the turbo = would be the pump inlet after the radiator and Delta =0AT of=0Athe coolent = compared to the hot turbo housing is very wide...........=0A=0A=A0 I might = add for those not familiar with turbos that the bearing cartridge is =0Ainf= initely=0Aadjustable in relation to both the turbine hsg and the compressor= hsg..........=0A=0AThanks Again,=A0=0A=A0=A0=0AKelly Troyer=0A"DYKE DELTA = JD2" (Eventually)=0A"13B ROTARY"_ Engine=0A"RWS"_RD1C/EC2/EM2=0A"MISTRAL"_B= ackplate/Oil Manifold=0A"TURBONETICS"_TO4E50 Turbo=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A__________= ______________________=0AFrom: David Leonard =0ATo: Ro= tary motors in aircraft =0ASent: Sun, November= 28, 2010 9:30:07 AM=0ASubject: [FlyRotary] Re: Turbo Water Plumbing=0A=0A= =0AKelly,=0A=0AIn the car, the upper port is for oil in, lower port for oil= out (of the turbo), =0AOUTER port for water in, and the inner port is for = water return.=A0 I copied that =0Afor my installation.=A0 I think it is imp= ortant the keep the oil top and bottom =0Afor oil drain purposes.=0A=0AI al= so copied from the car where I get and return the water.=A0 In my case, the= re =0Awas a water outlet on the intake manifold that I was able to keep, in= cluding the =0Astock steel plumbing, which made my installation really easy= .=A0 That water comes =0Afrom the engine block after passing across the hot= side of the engine.=A0The cabin =0Aheater water outlet, or taping the high= pressure side of the pump would also =0Aboth be good options.=0A=0AFor the= water return, I also copied the car in that it is returned after the =0Ara= diator and just before going into the pump.=A0 This means that the turbo wa= ter =0Ais not cooled before joining the circulation, but it will have a muc= h higher =0Apressure differential than if it also had to go to the radiator= .=A0 I figured they =0Aknew what the turbo needed so I didn't change it.=A0= Given that the turbo is =0Aprobably one of the shortest lived components t= o start with, it makes sense to =0Akeep that water flowing.=A0 But apparent= ly it does not matter if=A0the water=A0is =0Apre-heated a little (by going = through the hot side of the engine), which also =0Amakes sense because the = turbo is so hot that it will still have a nice =0Atemperature delta anyway.= =0A=0A-- =0ADavid Leonard=0A=0ATurbo Rotary RV-6 N4VY=0Ahttp://N4VY.RotaryR= oster.net=0Ahttp://RotaryRoster.net=0A=0A=0AOn Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 1:10 AM= , Kelly Troyer wrote:=0A=0AGirrrl's,=0A>=A0=A0=A0 Still wo= rking out my turbo water plumbing.............But planned to =0A>plumb=A0in= to the water pump=0A>housing (pressure side into engine) to the turbo and f= rom the turbo to the =0A>pump=A0hsg outlet to=0A>the radiator............. = I did read in "Turbonetics" installation instructions =0A>that you should p= lumb=0A>cool water into the low port and the hot (return) water to the high= port of the =0A>turbo.......I do not =0A>=0A>recall this question being as= ked=A0before so I am posting this to the group that =0A>are currently or = =0A>=0A>planning to turbo their projects............Guys jump in here !!=0A= >=0A>=0A>Kelly Troyer=0A>"DYKE DELTA JD2" (Eventually)=0A>"13B ROTARY"_ Eng= ine=0A>"RWS"_RD1C/EC2/EM2=0A>"MISTRAL"_Backplate/Oil Manifold=0A>"TURBONETI= CS"_TO4E50 Turbo=0A>=0A>=0A>=0A>=0A>=0A________________________________=0AF= rom: "CozyGirrrl@aol.com" =0A>To: keltro@att.net=0A>Sen= t: Sat, November 27, 2010 1:43:52 PM=0A>Subject: Re: Renesis front/pump hsg= =0A>=0A>Kelly,=0A>We're looking at cooling the turbo, from the schematics i= t appears as if they =0A>are feeding the turbo HOT water (high pressure is = all after the pump) and =0A>returning it to the pump inlet, in effect recir= culating hot water in a loop that =0A>is not seeing the radiator except in = the mix?=0A>How did you do your TO4?=0A>...Chrissi & Randi=0A>=0A>In a mess= age dated 11/27/2010 1:07:22 P.M. Central Standard Time, keltro@att.net =0A= >writes:=0A>Girrl's,=0A>>=0A>>=A0=A0 Any luck finding a hsg ??.............= =0A>>=A0=0A>>Kelly Troyer=0A>>"DYKE DELTA JD2" (Eventually)=0A>>"13B ROTARY= "_ Engine=0A>>"RWS"_RD1C/EC2/EM2=0A>>"MISTRAL"_Backplate/Oil Manifold=0A>>"= TURBONETICS"_TO4E50 Turbo --0-1328585663-1290966457=:64900 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
   Thanks for the repl= y...........The "Cosy Girrls", myself and probably others of the
=0A<= DIV>group planning on a turbo installation appreciate you and all others sh= aring the
"Real World Info" that has been proven by actual use= ............
  I should clarify my statement that "Tu= rbonetics" installation info said to plumb the
cool cool= ent to the lowest port and hot return to the high port..........What they s= aid
was adjust the turbo bearing cartridge water port about 20= degrees from horizontal
making  the lowest coolent = port the cool inlet and the highest coolent port the return
to= engine which will take advantage of the "Thermal Siphoning Effect" to redu= ce
heat soak after shutdown.....The turbo must be mounted bel= ow the highest coolent
level  for maximum thermal siphoni= ng.........This positions the oil ports 20 degrees
from verti= cal to maintain the oil return almost straight down for gravity return to t= he
sump as you stated..........No mention was made of the bes= t place to return coolent
to the engine but you are correct th= at the most pressure differential for maximum
coolent flow for= the turbo would be the pump inlet after the radiator and Delta T of
= =0A
the coolent compared to the hot turbo housing is very wide.........= ..
  I might add for those not famili= ar with turbos that the bearing cartridge is infinitely
adjust= able in relation to both the turbine hsg and the compressor hsg..........=0A
Thanks Again, 
 &nbs= p;

Kelly Troyer
"DYKE DELTA JD2" (Eventually)


"13B ROTARY"_ Engine=
"MISTRAL"_Backplate/Oil Manifold





=0AFrom:= David Leonard <wdleonard@gmail.com>
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <flyrotary@l= ancaironline.net>
Sent: Sun, November 28, 2010 9:30:07 AM
keltro@att.net> wrote:
Gi= rrrl's,
    Still working out my turbo water pl= umbing.............But planned to plumb into the water pump
=0Ahousing (pressure side into engine) to the turbo and from the turbo to t= he pump hsg outlet to
the radiator............. I did rea= d in "Turbonetics" installation instructions that you should plumb
cool water into the low port and the hot (return) water to the high po= rt of the turbo.......I do not
recall this question being ask= ed before so I am posting this to the group that are currently or =0A
planning to turbo their projects............Guys jump in here !!<= /DIV>=0A

Kelly Troyer
= "DYKE DELTA JD2" (Eventually)


"13B ROTARY"_ Engine
"MISTRAL"_Ba= ckplate/Oil Manifold





=0AFrom: "CozyGirrrl@aol.com" <CozyGirr= rl@aol.com>
To: <= A href=3D"mailto:keltro@att.net" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank ymailto=3D"= mailto:keltro@att.net">keltro@att.net
Sent: Sat, November 27, 2010 1:43:52 PM
Subject: Re: Renesis front/pump hsg

= =0A
We're looking at cooling the turbo, from the schematics it appears = as if they are feeding the turbo HOT water (high pressure is all after the = pump) and returning it to the pump inlet, in effect recirculating hot water= in a loop that is not seeing the radiator except in the mix?
= How did you do your TO4?
...Chrissi & Randi
&= nbsp;
In a message dated 11/27/2010 1:07:22 P.M. Centr= al Standard Time, keltro@att.net writes:=0A
   Any luck finding a hsg ??.....= ........

Kelly Troyer
"DYKE = DELTA JD2" (Eventually)


"13B= ROTARY"_ Engine
"MISTRAL"_Backplate/Oil Manifold<= /P>=0A

