I don't like thick layers of filler (anykind)
without a fiberglass over lay. Can chip off.
Here are some photos of my approach using
Pour-foam. It sands easily and then a layer of fiberglass makes it
Bill Schertz
KIS Cruiser # 4045
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2003 1:27
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: thrust angles,
and fiberglass question
Rusty, there are plenty of things that will do the job. I had a
similar problem and couldn't wait to order the light weight stuff from
aircraft spruce, so I got a can of stuff from an auto body shop supply
house. I forget the name but its a polyester resin with fiberglass
strands in it for extra strength. Its a bit on the heavy side, but your
not going to use that much.
I forget the name, but all the guys that
use it call it "gorrilla Snot", when you open the can you'll understand
why. Its made by "EverCoat".
Ed Anderson