Just so that it doesn't sound like Pat is tooting his own horn, I would like to emphasize what a great resource Contact! archives really are. I feel that anyone considering an automotive conversion should start the process by reading Alternative Engines Vol. 1,2, &3? cover to cover. Someone suggested that to me when I was starting out and it was really great advice.
The experience will provide not only exposure to articles like the one listed below, but also insight into the different engines and applications as well as providing a real sense of what kinds of obstacles are involved with the various engine choices and the process in general.
For example, if you waited until you were almost ready to install your radiator before you read the article below, you may find that some part of your planning did not jibe with principals listed there. It is articles like that one that may influence many other decisions like where to place the engine and accessories or even which engine to use or possibly which airframe to build.
Besides Contact!, the other such must read resource, especially for those building a rotary engine, are the archives on Paul Lamar's web site.
Lastly though, keep in mind that half of everything you read, from any source, is bad gouge and not really accurate. The problem is that we don't know which half.