I was at the airport yesterday around
3:30. wind was 20, gusts to 26mph, but straight down the runway, common
for TTD. But, I decided not to burn the gas since there wasn't much to
photograph and didn't feel like getting beat up. crown point is 7 miles
east of the airport and sticks out into the Columbia river gorge, what, a 1000'
above the river? at 5:11pm they recorded 101 mph winds at crown
point! I have flown backwards there before, but it was blowing like 70mph,
and I dropped the flaps and saw 3knots west on the GPS, while pointed
eastwardly. very strange impression to see things get smaller, rather than
bigger while flying. the Columbia river gorge is the only spot in the
cascade mtn range where air masses can pass thru rather than over the
mtns. kevin [this is a shaggy dog reply to a prior
question - are you in a hurry to fly!]