I looked mine up, and I pay $837 per year for $1 million property damage, $100,000 per person, $1 million per accident.
I don't carry any hull coverage, as the price was quite high when I checked on it.
My insurance is through Avemco.
Steve Brooks
Turbo Rotary
Scott wrote:
Just wanted to validate this amount is in the ballpark for US based aircraft...
Since I am nowhere near flight, but needed to move the fuselage to the airport and conduct engine runups, etc. I had the following coverages quoted...
Ground and taxi, $100 not in motion, $100 taxi only in motion
Physical Damage: $50k
Liability: $1 million
Premium came in at $911 for the year. Not that there seem to be many insurers writing policies for us, but does that seem in line with what others are seeing these days?