Impressive looking project !!............Will you share details on your turbocharger with us ?.......
-- Kelly Troyer "Dyke Delta"_13B ROTARY Engine "RWS"_RD1C/EC2/EM2 "Mistral"_Backplate/Oil Manifold
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After input from Dave L; I ran my engine last year (an posted it on Youtube). But I never got good control over the rate of temp rise for the water. Also, during a teardown to upgrade the secondary injector holders, I noticed standing oil in the intake manifold. Oil was passing thru the Turbo compressor seal and into the intake pipe. I figured it has to be excess oil supply, restricted drain or both. I like using the turbo, it's been a fun challenge, plus it's a great muffler. I removed it and started to build a conventional exhaust system, but I decided to give it another chance. After reading the hot rodders forums, I decided to put a control orifice in the supply fitting on the top of the turbo, I welded up the fitting and drilled it .067" (the reccomended size is .065, I used a #51 drill bit). I am also opening up the drain side to -12 from -8, and switched to the lower port on the accessory case. I moved the oil cooler to the right side and dedicated all the right inlet air to it via a diffuser I made. I mounted a griffin 22"x19" radiator under the oil pan ala Dave L, and I'm working on the chin scoop design. The left cheek I plan to supply air to the turbo intake, and surface cooling air for the exhaust system. If (when) I add an intercooler, it will probably spill air out the left side like the oil cooler does on the right side. I just want to make sure it's only fresh outside air passing thru this area as my RV-8 has the typical fesh air inlet for the pilot just aft of this location, and wouldn't want to introduce any CO to the cockpit. Any constructive comments would again be apreciated. You can view my progress at the site, here's the link: