Get the same results on A & B controller?
Tracy (back from Colorado)
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 9:18 PM, David Leonard
<> wrote:
Yup, spins with no sign of firing at all! It only spins easily by hand when the plugs are out.. otherwise it is a one-compression-at-a-time kind of exercise. Compression is normal.. I am well familiar with its feel.
I am currently leaning toward a intermittent condition with my CAS wiring or the bad gas/flooding issue. At least it has made me think harder about my CAS as a single point failure and review the wiring.
Thanks for all the suggestions.
Dave Leonard
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Charlie England
<> wrote:
David Leonard wrote:
Yesterday I went flying and tested out my new smoke system... everything was perfect... somke is fun. Today I head out to go formation flying.. nothing changed from my flight yesterday except for adding fuel. But it won't start... I verify that I have fuel pressure, fuel flow, injector function (in test mode), I have spark (in test mode). Maybe it is flooded... I change the plugs, re-verify spark in cranking mode (to eliminate issues with CAS), re-drain the fuel, verify compression, re-verify fuel pressure and flow and injector funcion... but still it just turns over without starting... Sigh
Anyone one know of a new component necessary other than fuel, spark, and compression?
David Leonard
Turbo Rotary RV-6 N4VY
Spins with no sign of firing at all?
Spits & pops but no regular combustion events?
Any chance that the extra effort required to spin the engine by hand using the prop through the reduction drive is hiding the fact that you have low compression? The old RX-7 starting trick is fairly quick if you've already got the cowl off. Pull a plug for each rotor & squirt in a little ATF, reinsert the plug & try to crank. Lyn can probably recommend how much. I never measured; I just dumped in as much as I could get in there while fighting all the junk under the hood.
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David Leonard
Turbo Rotary RV-6 N4VY