Mailing List Message #41009
From: <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: non flamable brake fluid-compatable
Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2008 22:25:55 EST
To: <>
In a message dated 1/5/2008 9:52:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Hmmm...Can you buy raw carbon fiber pad stock? If so, it should be easy
to cut/drill to fit standard Cleveland/Matco backing plates & just mount
using the standard rivets. Are carbon pads riveted to the backplates in
automotive applications, like they are in aviation brakes?

I made a set for a Aero Commander from a set of Chevy brake pads. The airplane pad looked like a bunch of kids made it. Two brass rivets holding the material onto a steel backing plate. I sawed them out with a hole saw and trimmed them up in the lathe. No rivets. Car pads are glued on. It was a very flexible single piston slider. Best brakes he ever had. Less than the usual $100.00 each.
You can buy Carbon Metallic pads for any car at the Autozone.
On the race car it was like going from almost no brakes, to Amazing brakes. When a competitor comes by and says " thought you were dead when you went by me under braking. I couldn't believe you made that corner".
The only brakes better than that are carbon pads on a carbon disc. Like a Formula one car.
Lynn E. Hanover

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