Being a gas caddy I don’t think spraying the interior of the tire with flammable liquid and lighting it off is the way to go. There might be more excitement generated than you would want. I have used the ratcheting cargo strap method to expand the bead on my lawn tractor. In fact I used two of the 1” straps, one on each side to pull the tire in.
Bob Perkinson
-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "David Leonard" <wdleonard@gmail.com>
> I have a gas caddy with tires that have no tubes. I let the air get too low
> and the tires have retracted away from the rims. Does anyone know the trick
> to get them full of air again... No matter how much I try I cannot get
> enough of a seal to pressurize the tires.
> Thanks
> --
> David Leonard
> Turbo Rotary RV-6 N4VY
> http://N4VY.RotaryRoster.net
> http://RotaryRoster.net