X-Virus-Scanned: clean according to Sophos on Logan.com Return-Path: Received: from [] (HELO hs-out-2122.google.com) by logan.com (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 5.2c4) with ESMTP id 2632695 for flyrotary@lancaironline.net; Sat, 05 Jan 2008 22:04:40 -0500 Received-SPF: pass receiver=logan.com; client-ip=; envelope-from=msteitle@gmail.com Received: by hs-out-2122.google.com with SMTP id k27so5551275hsc.3 for ; Sat, 05 Jan 2008 19:04:02 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=domainkey-signature:received:received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version:content-type:references; bh=2GrVxJWlkcnERSy2PwDvkM5aCzWIA9SrEOVe2mBIxlk=; b=YZACax21t7aUbvcOMx81nFX+ookw79C2knG/fN6X/TR1Gr3u/zg5DFeKWdawCj80tVPRBvgAmJBUM8TsJmjhLbEzxPhWTwsxC971CDatJLqXL1/eKejj6jwx04V9mhgz1uc8gGcaIC7VfQAAQKS03PHtrt8YfCKnMeC4L4IiFbM= DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=message-id:date:from:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version:content-type:references; b=mOFr0t5rqNrLouHzx2Kedr66+Ekr4bK/c+JpA53iMNWs16zmBRqFcx/45dgZILtCqaqZOl6d6Ai52J4H5DSC8FWKdYwwBe/X8RLBd+9KDU9utCTOB+NiKcP9whxbdxicE1S24gr+MrygWppP95HXDUVyFOD/Iu8CA5kNPYSLfJU= Received: by with SMTP id p1mr5049062ybi.14.1199588642379; Sat, 05 Jan 2008 19:04:02 -0800 (PST) Received: by with HTTP; Sat, 5 Jan 2008 19:04:02 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: <5cf132c0801051904lede20efr87c656db807d3d2f@mail.gmail.com> Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2008 21:04:02 -0600 From: "Mark Steitle" To: "Rotary motors in aircraft" Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Tubeless tires - off subject In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_Part_19897_31828979.1199588642369" References: ------=_Part_19897_31828979.1199588642369 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Dave, I have a lawnmower with tiny front tires that will pop off the rims if I let the pressure get too low. I use a nylon strap with a loop tied in one end. I loop the other end through the loop to make a circle. I then take the circle and center it on the tire and pull on the long end until the tire compresses in the center. This causes the beads to make contact with the rim. With my free hand I air up the tire, loosening the strap as the tire begins inflating. Yes, this is very similar to calf roping. Mark S. On Jan 5, 2008 10:53 AM, David Leonard wrote: > I have a gas caddy with tires that have no tubes. I let the air get too > low and the tires have retracted away from the rims. Does anyone know the > trick to get them full of air again... No matter how much I try I cannot > get enough of a seal to pressurize the tires. > > Thanks > > -- > David Leonard > > Turbo Rotary RV-6 N4VY > http://N4VY.RotaryRoster.net > http://RotaryRoster.net ------=_Part_19897_31828979.1199588642369 Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Dave,

I have a lawnmower with tiny front tires that will pop off the rims if I let the pressure get too low.  I use a nylon strap with a loop tied in one end.  I loop the other end through the loop to make a circle.  I then take the circle and center it on the tire and pull on the long end until the tire compresses in the center.  This causes the beads to make contact with the rim.  With my free hand I air up the tire, loosening the strap as the tire begins inflating.  Yes, this is very similar to calf roping. 

Mark S.

On Jan 5, 2008 10:53 AM, David Leonard <wdleonard@gmail.com> wrote:
I have a gas caddy with tires that have no tubes.  I let the air get too low and the tires have retracted away from the rims.  Does anyone know the trick to get them full of air again...  No matter how much I try I cannot get enough of a seal to pressurize the tires.


David Leonard

Turbo Rotary RV-6 N4VY
