Mailing List Message #40999
From: Thomas Jakits <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: Magic Vapor Cycle Engines
Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2008 21:04:41 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Ooh yes! Pleease!

Thank you very much!

Question to a possible "DIY/cheapo"-dyno:
I saw various plans/models where one bolts up the engine/PSRU/club-prop and measures power via rpm x momentum (via bathroomscale/lever). This gives me the overall hp - incl any losses from the PSRU and inefficiencies fomr the prop.
What a about a pure engine-dyno? Drive a waterpump/generator (where do I get a cheap 300kw generator??) ???

Thomas J.

On 1/5/08, <> wrote:
In a message dated 1/4/2008 9:06:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Also one would need at least a simple flowbench, but there Lynn or Bill should have something up their sleeves ?:))?

Thomas J.

Would you like my plans for the flow bench?
Lynn E. Hanover

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