Mailing List Message #40969
From: Ed Anderson <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Wiring
Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2008 09:16:46 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Bob, here is some quick checks you may want to make before connecting the battery (if you have not already done so).
1.  . Turn off all switches.   Take a volt/ohm meter and place it on a resistive setting.  Without the battery connected - place one probe on the + battery connection and the other - probe to an electrical  ground (could be the negative battery terminal).  You should get an open reading - infinite resistance.  Because with off equipment turned off there should be no path from + terminal to - terminal. 
If you get a short/ low ohm indication then I would suspect a short/mis-wiring some place.  Try turning on a simple circuit such as your landing lights, pumps, etc.  The resistance reading should decrease as more circuits are brought on-line.
 2.  With the - probe on the negative battery terminal - check that you have a good ground connection to the engine block by touching several places on the block with the + probe.  People have fried electronics when all the current tried to go through them due to lack of a properly connect ground between engine and rest of electrical circuit.
3. With all electrical switches/components off connect your terminals to the battery.  IF step 1 check was OK then you should get no/very minimal spark when you make the final connection.  I think somebody else mentioned if you get a big spark - immediately remove the connection (although it may be too late).  Also if you have an amp meter in your circuit, monitor it for any indication of current drain when you first hook up the battery.  A volt meter drop might indicate a massive current drain but would  I wouldn't rely on it. 
4.  IF you are really uncomfortable, you could try sticking a 5-10 amp fuse/CB in line with your battery terminal before you connect it up.  It should remain untripped if there is no current flow. If it doesn't trip, Then you can remove it and connect directly to the battery.  IF it trips, then that tells you that you have something drawing juice even when you think you have every thing off.
That's about all I can think of.  Al already mentioned the liquid fortification that may be helpful {:>)
Good Luck
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 11:12 PM
Subject: [FlyRotary] Wiring

I'm just about done with my wiring. Triple checked it all. Which doesn't mean a lot since I can over look a tool for hours to find it right where I thought it was in the first place. Now my do I get over the fear to hook up a battery!!!!
Bog Mears
Supermarine Spitfire

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