Doug; Believe it or not I found an adapater kit at Auto Zone, small bag of brass adapter fittings changeing many diff. threads to NPT, located hanging in the elect. shelf of the store (no one in the store will know what you are talking about, have to look around yourself). David, RV-6A Rotary ((when computers come back from updates in FL. will do first eng. start, not much remaining to install,)) :>)
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My 13B seems to have pulled oil pressure from a small port next to the oil filter plate which supplies the oil to Tracy's PSRU. A VDO pressure sender will fit into the hole but will not thread so I must assume this was never tapped out for NPT and is still in metric. In looking at a picture of the engine before I removed all the senders, it shows a small brass fitting on the end of the pressure sender but I can't find that small brass piece anywhere and was therefore wondering what the sock thread size so as to get something to adapt to my VDO sending unit? Thanks for any help.
Doug Lomheim
RV-9A, 13B, FWF
OK City, OK