A fire involving even a tiny amount of mercury produces a gas that can reduce your IQ to a dismal number in a few hours. Imagine 100 10 year olds with a 500 megaton capability.
.....That's a good one!
Then there is the one-time -use permanent clamp.
Best of all ( after wiggins, but usable on any normal hose end).
When it comes off, it has to be cut and a new one goes on.
Downside: you need a tool for it, on the other hand I have a $ 85.- (....and that was 15 years ago) "Tiger wave" safety-wire pliers, with twist-direction select.
Would think of re-using used safety-wire, would you.
So, for the die-hard, maybe hose-clamps work until the installation is sorted out, then you go and buy the permanent clamp kit.....
One question to the wiggins style:
I saw them on the same helicopter brand/family, but the predecessor (AS350 - clamps, SA319B, Alouette III - wiggins). As I see it it would be rather hard to incorporate wiggins into a flexible hose system. THe older helo used mainly hardlines connected with wiggins. With swagged ends, yes - but now we are talking a rather pricey alternative. Might as well go with threaded-style ends - pricey too.
Any wiggins idea?