This is a simple flow bench. Anything may be used to power it. A Shop Vac
works fine. I found a centrifugal blower that runs on 24 volts that works well.
Both boxes must be sealed except where indicated.
The sizes are unimportant.
The plan shows a 3/8" throttle shaft but a 1/2" is better.
While this may be painfully obvious. The test piece must be sealed
tight against the inlet hole.
Wire open anything that might close during a test. If this happens, the
vacuum cleaner portion of this device will empty the monometers of colored water
and spray it on the ceiling at an astounding rate. Another problem is that when
you go into the house to shower and take off your new tie-dyed Tee shirt, your
wife will see you covered in red and pass out.
If you need to know actual CFM data, an HVAC man can stop by and test
various restrictors over your test hole that you have made up, and label each
test piece with its CFM. A number of aluminum washers with different sized holes
works for this. Actual CFM is seldom needed. Mostly, "is it better" or "is it
is what you want to know.
The test box needs to be leveled precisely before each test, because the
top monometer reports the outcome of each test, and it is nearly horizontal to
start. (like a bubble level).
Data is free and unrestricted.
Lynn E. Hanover