How about a freewheel unit (slipper clutch) - should prevent alt least the reversal part after the power-stroke...
Also, visual impact is one thing, that may have NOTHING to do with the actual blade behaviour.
Unless you take a strobe and watch, you might get some "funny show" - frame rate of the video, etc.
Not a video, and newer pics are better, but as a sample for optical illusions:
...scroll down about 3/4 to see some TR and MR blades from a Puma (Eurocopter helo), that are "awesome flexible" - "unbelievable" - "new tec" :))
I understand the human eye/brain has also certain resonance frequencies where we see wheels go backwards or stop, so again - a strobe adjusted to the needed frequency will take care of illusions...
On 6/4/07, George Lendich <> wrote:
I felt I needed to tell you those things ( I've read) as they are indeed 'counter intuitive' - however your doing the testing, so lets see what happens.
I intend having 6 of the harder dampers. As you might imagine 6 will make it a little further out than centre, but not so far out as Tracy's. If I remember the chap testing the 4 cylinder settled on 5 dampers after testing 4 of the rubber ones. I though I'd go a step further.
George ( down under)
I will leave the video for a couple of days so as to not bog down your ISP.
Hi George,
No need to wait. I have something like 500 GB of traffic limit per month, but I don't know of any daily limit.
I've spoken with a couple engineering types about this, and fully believe that what's required is a very (effectively) soft damper. Using the Autoflight drive, there is only one bolt-on coupling that fits, and it's made by Centaflex. This particular coupler only comes in two shore values, which are 60 and 50. The original was a 60, and the one I got to test is a 50. One things for sure, it will either be better, worse, or the same :-)
Rusty (gyro dangerously close to being finished)