----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 8:09
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: diffusers
Ed, before you go the route and make new molds,
consider a liner of 1.4 oz glass to line you existing diffusers. You can
hit the inside of the diffusers lightly with the sand blaster, wipe with
acetone and lay in the glass. The 1.4 oz. glass is what I used to
replace the ceconite on the plywood wing panes, which is the norm for the
Ballanca. This glass is easier to use because it takes very little epoxy
to wet out and it disappears in the epoxy as it cures and you can squeegee on
two light coatings of epoxy within 2 to 4 hours apart to fill the weave if you
like. If you are having a problem with the epoxy gumming up your
sandpaper, put 1 cup of ammonia in 4 quarts of warm water and put on with a
sponge for ten or fifteen minutes and you can sand away with very pickup which
can be removed easily with an old hacksaw blade. JohnD
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 9:04
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re:
I understand, John.
My sentiments exactly - the main reason I built a
metal airplane was so I could avoid fiberglass work - but after a number of
years of making fiberglass things, its gotten to where I can tolerate (but
not like) it. I made the mistake of using a low density
foam to shape my last duct (pinched duct) and it has started to develop
cracks which of course does not help airflow. So will have to byte the
bullet and build them once again with a better foam.
Yes, if you want to ever fly, there has to be a line
drawn someplace between "needed" and "Nice" to do.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 7:58
Subject: [FlyRotary] diffusers
Ed, no chance here of trying to reproduce
those diffusers for sale. It took my son and
I, three hours to get the glass on. We finally tried
wrapping a one inch wide band of glass around the narrow part of the neck
to keep it tight to the mold. My glass work is marginal at best and
I'm in the competition with Rusty for the most ugly cowling award.
Next winter I'll have ample opportunity to clean things up some, now
flying is the priority.