Mailing List Message #372
From: Jim Sower <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: Flop Tube WAS RV Glider
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 18:44:00 -0400
To: <flyrotary>
In an RV???  Even fighters didn't have inverted fuel (beyond about 15 sec).
All ACM is positive G (at least it was back in the old days, and I've no reason
to believe that has changed).  Besides, what's the point of a flop tube if you
don't have inverted oil??
Still Wonderin' ... Jim S.

John Slade wrote:

> > I seem to be missing something.  What might be the purpose of a flop tube
> be?
> Come on, Jim. You remember what it's like to be upside down...., don't
> you???
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