<... Did this help or did I just make it more confusing ...>
Once again we find ourselves in "violent agreement" ... :o)
In your crude "box" plenum, (or any design with too sharp corners)
when the air couldn't negotiate the turn, it separated, became a turbulent
eddy and stopped going anywhere or doing anything useful. Smoothing
out your ramps reduced inlet from 24 square
inches to 8-9. That's 2/3!! A HUGE savings
in cooling drag. That is what I was trying to get across. Merely
delivering air to the radiator face is not enough. We have to deliver
it in a sufficiently organized manner to enable it to work as efficiently
as it can. I know 7 deg is hard to achieve in our limited space,
but my objective is to have everyone giving it their very best shot at
7 deg, and accepting what they end up with as the best package they can
make, rather than just hanging radiators out in the sky.
I was surprised that it was only 7 deg. I expected more like 20
.... Jim S.