I really appreciate all the time that everyone has put into making
suggestions about machine tools. At the moment, I'm just overwhelmed, and
have lots of research, and thinking to do.
I can certainly appreciate the desire to have larger, dedicated machines,
and ideally, that would be the way to go. Unfortunately, that takes up more
space, and costs more money. If I were going into production with some sort
of business, this would be a no-brainer, but I have to rationalize a
purchase based on the need to do a handful of small items. Ed mentioned
that his new machine would be a huge step up from his small machine.
Considering that I've never had anything more than a dremel tool, a decent 3
in 1 would be more than I can imagine.
On the other hand, it would be very frustrating to need to do something
specific, and find out that the machine you own won't do it. I do like the
idea of starting with a larger 12x36 lathe, that has the option of a milling
attachment. That might very well the only machine I would ever need.
Finally, I tend to buy new, rather than used equipment, so I'd probably be
more interested in something new. If anyone can point me to a particular
item that seems suitable, I'll certainly be happy for the help.
PS- feel free to send email off-list if you think it won't be on interest to
the group.