> Be certain and check that the apex seal slot is within specs regarding
> wear
> or "V"ing of the slot walls. That is what ( I am convinced) caused my
> apex
> seal failure at 160 hours.
Thanx Ed, yep checking the slots VERY carefully is top on the list. If I
recall Lynn's recommendation was to put the end of a new apex seal in the
slot sticking up and if the end moves more than 3/16 of an inch - then the
slots are too wide (AND that 3/16's is end of life - so it should be way
less if I want 1000hrs out of it).
The other way he suggested is to (quoting) "stand a new seal on end in the
clean groove and use a feeler gage to measure side clearance per the manual.
Measure in 5 places across the groove, and try the gage on both sides of the
new seal, for bellied or less than straight grooves."
Joe Hull
Redmond/Seattle WA, Cozy-Mazda Rotary 71hrs