Al Gietzen wrote:
what was scary was the number of "fellow" pilots that seemed
unable to fly around the shoreline at 80mph, 1200', and follow the
plane ahead. maybe they all wanted to do 25 laps, or watch too
much NASCAR. these people were also going to land overhead or
behind me when the runway finally got cleared
I guess I would be one of those guys. Some of us have planes that
stall at 80 mph. On the other hand, I had it up to 220 mph (TAS)
last week. It’s a problem in the pattern as it seems I’m always
eating up a Cessna.
I don't know if that's a joke, or you've never flown in the 'really big show' environment. There's a separate procedure for planes that can't maintain 80.
Last spring I went down there with a friend in a Mooney & we spent over an hour at Lake Parker because they wouldn't let anyone land during heavy departures after the airshow. It was like playing dodgeball the whole time. For about a half hour, there was one of those British origin glass 2seaters that crossed through the existing circle of planes several times, then when they released us to the airport, cut off several planes entering downwind to the runway, then cut off several more turning base/final. Any one of his actions should have cost him his ticket for at least a month. Controllers never said a word to him.