Fuel pump 1- 6.2 amps
Fuel pump 2- 6.0 amps
Facet transfer pump- 1.1 amps
Davies Craig EWP- 4.4 amps
EC-2 (also ignition coils)- .3 amps
EM-2- .6 amps
Master switch only- 6.4 amps (what is all
Radio (receive mode)- .7 amps
.5 amps
player- .3 amps
Minimum config includes FP-1, EWP, EC-2, EM-2, and of
course ignition coils. Alt is
turned off because the master is off. 12.1 amps at 1500 rpm, 14.1 amps
at 3000 rpm. That was as
much as I dared run standing next to the plane, using the meter on the battery
cable in the baggage compartment.
Max load, as I normally fly, includes everything. Alternator is off though, because I
couldn’t measure the load at the main battery lead with the alt supplying
power- 22 amps at 1500 rpm.