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Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 01:54:46 -0500
From: cbeazley <cbeazley@innovista.net>
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To: flyrotary@lancaironline.net, rotaryeng@earthlink.net
Subject: Rotary Project for sale
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Hi Folks;

I am advertising this on behalf of  este@compmore.net -> contact him if 
you are interested.
The project includes an unused Rotary Aviation RD-1A/EC2.
Also included is a series4 13b turbo engine in excellent condition other 
than the paint job.
The engine was rebuilt and run on the stand for several hours with a 
carb setup.
Lots of the usual rotary bits included:  starter, ND alternator/custom 
pulley, coils/plugs/wires,
CAS, counterweight/flexplate, hoses/fittings, oil cooler, waterpumps, 
LIM, 2xTB, 2xoilpan, belts,
custom bed mount, P.Lamar? intake casting... lots of unlisted/leftover 
bolts, rotary bits...
For the EC2 installation it still requires the FI, wiring harness, 
rad/evap cores.
