I'm not an expert in electronics. I was following the advice of Bob Nuckols on the Aero-electric connection. There are failure modes with internal regulators such as a "run-away" that can't be stopped by shutting off the field current. This possibility necessitates using over-voltage protection at a very minimum. The problem comes with how to hook OVP up to an internally regulated alternator. There's a schematic on the Aero-electric Connection at http://www.aeroelectric.com/articles/bleadov.pdf that shows how to do that. Its not that hard to bypass the internal regulator and go with a Ford solid-state regulator. They're reliable and very affordable. Add OVP and you're all set.
At 10:13 AM 10/1/2003 -0700, you wrote:
What was the reason for going external regulator? By going to a dual
alternator can't I just switch one off if it goes bonkers (or have an
overvoltage relay do that for me)?