Mailing List Message #34096
From: Ernest Christley <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Flywheel machining and minimum inertia
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 10:27:24 -0400
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
cbeazley wrote:

Hi Again;

Can a stock cast iron? flywheel be machined/lightened?
Are there any material problems other than standard strength/thickness/balance?

Does anyone, Lynn?, have any comments regarding the minimum flywheel inertia
in order to provide a stable idle and minimize the effects of torque pulses?

I've seen ligtened flywheels advertised on some of the racing shop sites, but boy are they expensive.

        ,|"|"|,              Ernest Christley       |
----===<{{(oQo)}}>===----    Dyke Delta Builder      |
       o|  d  |o  |
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