Mailing List Message #34055
From: Ed Anderson <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Off subject Auto computers
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 23:36:19 -0400
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Yes, John,  I think the classic 1984 Novel of George Orwell where technology is used to survey and control the population (often unaware of the means of surveillance) was a vast understatement about the impact of technology.   Everybody knew that despite the manufactory's statements to the contrary that the "black boxes" in automobiles would quite rapidly evolve from a "data collection" concept for making automobiles safer to a tool used by the law (and insurance companies) to meet their own objectives.   So big brother has indeed arrived - actually he's been here all along - just has better means now.
No excusing the idiot for speeding through a red light and causing a loss of life, he got what he deserved.  But, the means of his conviction does indeed lend an air of "1984" to the event.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2006 9:45 PM
Subject: [FlyRotary] Off subject Auto computers

Ed;  You are right about the computers.  A guy here was accelerating at 71 mph thru a red light in a 40 mph zone and killed 2 high school girls in the intersection in a car.  The black box gave the facts, the jury gave the verdict, the judge gave the sentence and the guy is now modeling night gowns for Bubba in the big house.  Big brother has his eyes on you.  JohnD
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