Tracy (finally installing 20B [again]. Tell Rusty
to stop laughing. Yes, you have to be nuts to install an alternative
just been waiting until you get back to work on the RV-8 to send in my EM-2 for
it's mod :-)
Seriously, it takes as long as it takes, and that's fine. It's just
too much fun to pick on you :-) I don't regret the Lyclone decision for
the RV-8 in the slightest, but I do admit that I'm getting a bit bored with the
Lyclone FWF installation. Two weeks of cooling baffle construction
will do that though. MAN do I hate building those things...
REALLY want to get back to the single rotor, and I find myself thinking more
about it than the RV-8. I got the Hushpower II resonator yesterday, and
it's 3 lbs lighter (91.5 oz total) than the original Hushpower II
muffler. Priorities being what they are, I have to get the RV-8 out
of my garage before I can do anything else with the single
As it
stands, I expect to have everything done to the RV-8 fuselage by the end
of Sept, but I have the QB wings to finish at the hanger (1 week vacation
will do that). I'll leave the fuselage at home until it's time to
plug in the wings, because Oct is prime hurricane season, and the garage is
safer than the hanger. One way or another, it will be flying by the end of
November, which will make 7 months, and an estimated 950 hours total
construction time.
(got tired of picking on Ken Powell)