Rotary Configuration Database (v1.3.1)       Tail Number:   N75CZ           Builder: Steve Brooks Engine/Model/Year: 89-91 13B Turbo  Source Condition:   Rebuilt JDM engine     Modifications:   Thermal Pellet and all of Tracy's recommended mods            Intake: Custom Low profile welded aluminum           Exhaust: 321 stainless - ceramic coated    Engine Control:   EC-2 - LS1 coils      Fuel control:   490 cc fuel injection primary and secondary        Fuel Pumps: 2 - RWS FI fuel pumps    Cooling System:   2 - GM evaporator cores plumbed with AN-16 lines        Oil System:   Stock Mazda 89-91 oil cooler-remote oil filter on RD1B mount plate      Installation:   conventional - Conversion Concepts mount     PSRU/Re-Drive: RWS RD1B 2.17              Prop: IVO Prop Magnum - High pitch - Ground adjustable             Power:   200HP is Mazdas rating for 13BT with stock turbo       First Flown: 6/17/2004        Total Time: 41 Hours          Platform:   Cozy MKIV             Notes:          Web Site: