Mailing List Message #32538
From: Bill Eslick <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: damage report
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 11:34:24 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Lynn, et al,
Finally getting a chance to look at the engine closer.  The oil jets are clean for both rotors, so there goes that theory - maybe. 
Can you tell me if I made a mistake  when I took out the ball and spring valves below the jets and drilled them out to 5/64.  (This engine was put together in the last century by a younger me.)
Also, careful pre-assembly of the bypass valve assembly and front shaft components shows that the bypass hole is only slightly over 1/2 blocked.  Should this not be completely shut off?  Perhaps the pressure that should be cooling the rotors is just not available?
I am going back in with Tracy's overhaul kit, and it appears that includes a new thermal pellet plug, so I will check the opening again with the new plug.  I suspect my home-made unit was just installed on faith using measurements from who-knows-where.
I will post any further findings as they occur!!   All ideas gladly considered!!
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