Mailing List Message #32532
From: Bill Bradburry <>
Subject: Re: Sealing plenum to oil and water coolers
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 10:35:59 -0400
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 09:24:04 -0400
"Ed Anderson" <> wrote:

> Bill, I am using a rubber strip glued to the end of fiberglass duct.
> seals well at static and I have some reinforcing layers of fiberglass
> the end next to the core to stiffen it a bit.  Now at 200 MPH I may
get some
> blow-by, but at that speed, I probably have excess cooling air.
> Ed

Hi Ed,

What kind of glue did you use?

I have been told that shoe goo is wonderful stuff and will stick to
anything.  Well, it doesn't stick to silicone baffle material very well
at all!  I used rubber cement, and it works much better, but I'm not
sure it will hold up to repeated installations.  You may be using a
different material for the seal, but I thought I would ask.

Bob W.

I discovered that the max temperature of Velcro is 200 C.  Has anyone
tried using Velcro to attach the fiberglas plenum to the coolers?  This
temperature is twice the normal temperature of the oil and water...The
only consideration should be the glue on the backing of the Velcro??
Any comments on this application?
Bill Bradburry

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