Your browsers are coloring the link based on wether you have visited
the link or not. Blue for unvisited and mauve for visited. If you
clear your history and restart your browser the link will be blue. If
your seeing the link in a eamail application there may not be a way to
clear your history. Restarting the application may clear the history.
On 7/2/06, Dale Rogers <dale.r@cox.net> wrote:
I use Mozilla Thunderbird. It works essentially the same way (but without
MickeySoft's bugs.)
Dale R.
Ed Anderson wrote:
Ok, looks like the mauve color changed to blue and the link works, so it is
now automatically included in my signature block (provided I remember to
insert the signature block).
So if you have the Outlook Express explorer for a browser, you can include
the link in your signature block.
Ed Anderson
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